How to install ZenDroKat on your Wave device

In last days we received some requests about the installation procedure of Android 4.4 on your Samsung GT-S8500 or GT-S8530.
For that reason we will give you a comrehensive tutorial for installation.
NOTICE: This ROM is still under development. So installation is doneat your own risk and your own responsability.
This tutorial is ONLY for Android 4.4 and higher!
Currently you can only install it, when you still have downloaded ROM before*.
BUT: Some users tried to install Tigrouzen’s ROM with BOOTFILES & FOTA provided with volk204′s ROM.
This leads to a failure during installation.

1. Flashing BOOTFILES & FOTA:
At first, you have to flash the following files with MultiLoader, when bada is installed:



At first you have to flash BOOTFILES. Pay attention, that you acitvate “Boot Change” and “LSI” in MultiLoader and don’t choose anything, when flashing FOTA.
2. Preparing device for installation:
After you have flashed both files, you have to connect. your phone with your PC running bada.
Copy ectracted ROM (“clockworkmod” folder) and zImage to your SD card.
Please take care, that there is no sub folder called “clockworkmod”.
Both files have to be copied to root directory of your SD card.
To prevent errors, you should format your SD before copying files.
Now the first (and simple) part is done!
3. Installation of ZenDroKat:
Now shut down your WAVE, BUT leave your SD card in your device.
When device is powerded off, enter CWMRecovery by pressing END CALL & HOME (middle button).
This may take a moment.
When you are in Recovery mode, you’ll find the following options:
  • Reboot System Now
  • Install Zip
  • Wipe Data/Factory Reset
  • Wipe Cache Partition
  • Backup and Restore
  • Mounts & Storage
  • Advanced
  • Zen Menu
  • Kernel Options
For NAND installation choose “Zen Menu” and “Open Recovery Script” and confirm your choice by pressing HOME button.
Now you’ll find several scripts. Choose “Full_Format__Nand_Bada_For_Android.ors”.
For SD installation do NOT choose this script. You will have to partition your SD card. This depends on size and spped of your SD card.
When you choose SD installation, you also can move clockworkmod folder and zImage to SD, when you’re in recovery mode. For that, choose “Mounts & Storage” and “mount sd”.
When script has finished or sd is partitioned and prepared with files go back by pressing END CALL.
Please check in “Kernel Options”, if “MD5 check” is activated!
Now go to “Wipe Data/ Factory-Reset” and choose “Clean to install a new ROM!”Your phone will be wiped completely.
Please choose also “wipe cache”, when there are problems while restoring.
When there are some porblems during wiping device, please go to “Mounts & Storage” and choose “format /system” & “format /data”.
Now your device is ready to restore Android on your phone.
Go to main menu and choose Backup & Restore”.
Next option to choose is “Restore from /storage/sdcard0″.
Something like “ 2013-11-17. 19. 13.22_aosp_wave-userdebug_4.4_K…” should be listed (here it’s for AOSP-ROM).
Choose this entry and confirm.
Restoring the system may take some time! So please be calm and patient!
When something goes wrong, you have to restore element by element with option “Advanced Restore from /storage/sdcard0″. But don’t restore cache!
Now the core of the ROM is installed…
4. Install patches:
Mostly it is necessary to install some patches.
For that, go back to main menu and choose “Install Zip” und “Choose zip from /storage/sdcard0″.
Now choose every required patch (ZIP) one by one.
When you have installed all patches it is time for the first boot.
Go back to main menu and choose “Reboot System Now”.
It maybe required to confirm root. Confirm  “Yes – Fix Root!”.
Your phone will reboot automatically!
First boot of your device may take up to 5 minutes.
Do NOT interrupt boot process!
When installation is done, you’ll be asked for PIN code or led automatically to home screen.
You have successfully installed Android “KitKat” on your WAVE smartphone!
If you have any problems or questions, you can contact us and other users in our chat.
*new download links will be provided with next ROM version! To stay informed, visit us in our website.